Friday, September 30, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rt @Sports_Greats: An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart & dreams in his head. -Emil Zatopek

Monday, September 19, 2011

Top Teams Both Battled at Battle at the Capital

This week's shuffle of Sac Bee Prep Poll places the top two teams in the city as Pleasant Grove and Del Oro.

Both were Battle at the Capital teams!

Both represented well at Character Combine in years past!

Character Combine in the Pleasant Grove Locker Room

Character Combine in the Pleasant Grove Locker Room

We are at your games. Would you like Character Combine to stop in your practice or game. Give us an invite!

Some of the Team Talks Completed and games/teams visited

Varsity Football Locker Rooms Pre-Game
Pleasant Grove
Lincoln of Stockton
Westlake High School
Bear River
Scott's Valley
Capital Christian HS
Del Oro

Varsity Football Team Dinner's

Del Oro

Varsity Cross Country Saturday Runs
Florin High School

Middle School Cross Country
Marina Village
Pleasant Grove
Rolling Hills

Jr Football

Consumnes Oaks
Oak Ridge Jr Trojans
Granite Bay

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Long time Character Combine Player of Influence Tanner Trosine Throws for nearly 600 yards! Great performance! Combine salutes you!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rt @sb_joedavidson: The insanity of prep sports;Grant loses at Lincoln with rash of injuries,then Grant fan confronts coach.Madness

Thursday, September 15, 2011

@Sports_Greats: A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. -Jackie Robinson

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Have a New Hero: Bear River Coach Scott Savoie

This weekend while serving as the emcee for Battle at the Capital, Character Combine was privileged to award a Player of the Game Character award to a member of each team. The player was selected by their coach as one who exemplified character on and off the field, who led with purpose and who had the ability to compete with 100% effort.

Bear River High School Head Football Coach Scott Savoie became a new person on my hero list of coaches who “get it.”

I approached and explained the nomination process. The idea was to observe the game and then make the selection. Instead, Coach Savoie filled it out and handed it back to me.


But the game had not been played yet. That’s the look my face expressed.

He answered.

“Character is not only showcased in a game. Character is something this player showed in every practice and moment leading up to the game. I don’t need to see the game to determine who this player will be for us.”

Wow. Stunned. Challenged.

Coach Savoie modeled and spoke what I had never heard said. I watched that player all game long. Coach was right. He chose the right player.

Do you know of a player like this. Better, do you know of a coach like this? I want to know them. Email us your story!

Coach Savoie- thank you for leading me well that day and representing so strong at Battle at the Capital.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

From @sportscharacter: "Forget your weaknesses! Think courage." #sacpreps |